Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Health. I am thankful for our health. Will had his 6-month post-op appointment this afternoon with his ENT. It went fantastic. His ears are completely clear, his ear drums are normal, and there is absolutely no scarring. CAN you believe that. My baby who suffered severe infections for over 12 months of his life has absolutely no scarring. Amazing. We have "graduated" as the doctor put it from his care. Praise God!
I was very sad to hear this last week about a family we know that has been battling cancer for a few years now. They just received word that it has spread and really are left with few option in his care. Their kids go to the same daycare as Will and this morning as I was dropping Will off at the breakfast table I overheard the teacher asking their little boy how his daddy was doing. As most kids would, he very casually said"good" and got up from the table to put his cup away. But before he turned around he said "I'm going to try to be strong though". I almost didn't make it out of the daycare before I started crying. I sobbed the entire way to work. I had to call Preston to tell him and really thank God for our health. The person I am talking about is not much older than us, so no one is in the clear. My heart his very sad for this family. My wounds are still very raw from Vickie. It's hard for me to even imagine having to go through that with my spouse. Please pray for this family. The need all the prayers they can get.


Anonymous said...

who are we talking about, sweet daughter? is it our tennis coach? isn't it awesome about what i told you yesterday when i picked up dawned on me later that i was not even supposed to pick him up yesterday, but forgot and did anyways, witnessed what i did and reported it! Our God is good. love you, mom