Friday, March 21, 2008


We woke up early yesterday morning and threw the kids in the car (in their pj's) and told them we had a surprise for them. On the way they started reading the road signs and figured out that we were going to Sea World. They were sooo excited. We got their right when the doors opened and left around 5:00. We were pooped!! The kids absolutely loved the roller coasters (the ones they could ride) and I think Preston really enjoyed the shows. It started getting really crowded and for those of you who know Preston, he doesn't do crowds. We left before it got super frustrating to get around with the stroller and two other kids. We went and had dinner at the Red Robin and then went next door to the Bass Pro Shop. They had so much fun there-it doesn't matter how many times we've been. The big kids did the rock climbing and Jacob made it all the way to the top! Lauren made it half way. They did great. We finally got home aroung midnight and Will screamed the last 15 minutes of the drive--he had had enough. Jacob is still sleeping despite the chaos of Will and Lauren playing in every room. Enjoy the slideshow.