Monday, September 7, 2009

A Post in Pictures

I was looking back at my last few posts and I can't believe I don't have any pictures in them! So I got out my camera yesterday and realized I haven't taken any since Will's birthday in June! I am a bad mother.

Yesterday the big kids decided they wanted to ride their dirtbikes in the pasture. Let me preface by saying Lauren once said that she wanted to start riding too, so we obliged and got her all the necessary gear and I swear she has put it on maybe 4 times. One of those times being the day it arrived in the box! It takes her literally at least 30 minutes to get all 'suited' up. And I think she wears it appriximately 10 minutes before she is ready to take it off, which in turns takes another 20 minutes at least to get it all off and hung back up. Ugghh! I can't really blame her though because it all looks so hot and you get all sweaty, and us girls don't want any part of all that. As you can see from her pictures though, she is pretty darn cute in it.
I threw one in there of Jacob for good measure.

These pictures are from Will's birthday party. He turned 3. Sniff...sniff.
We rented a huge blow up slip and slide and the kids had a blast on it. The adults threatened to get on too, but we never did. I wish I had. Since the big kids had school today, Preston went into work for one job, then we'll be able to have the rest of the day today with just will. What's on the agenda?? I'm glad you asked because Preston has told Will that they are going to take his training wheels off his bike and let him try to learn to ride without training wheels. I feel the sudden need to run to town and stock up on Band-Aids. Just maybe I'll remember to take the camera out with us to try and capture this momentous occasion. ;)


Anonymous said...

TRAINING WHEELS OFF!!!! Talk about boohoohoo!!!! And the Wall kids had school? Talk about NO FAIR!!!