Okay..so not really. But I did make some headway. I (we; me and the kids) spent the night cleaning out closets, under beds and in drawers. I am happy to report 12 trashbags full will be donated tomorrow. There closets can actually be stepped in now. Go figure. I also went a step further and organized the media closet; alphabatized movies and dvd'. Here are some pics of proof.
Much more to do, maybe another day ;)

Lauren's closet before.....

Lauren's closet after.
Media closet before....
Media closet after.
I also tackled Jacob's room, but I forgot to take pictures, I promise it was equally as profound if not more than Lauren's transformation. I also forgot to take pictures under the beds and in the drawers. They were just awful and since I was in the mood I went ahead and did a complete overhaul. Thanks BooMama.
YOU GO GIRL~~~ Great job; I have some closets you could start on!!! much love, mom
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